Albania Hiking Tours & Albania Cycling Tours


Privacy Policy & Cookies

Albexpeditions is committed to protecting your personal information. When it comes to the personal information we take it very seriously. We want you to understand how we collect and use your personal information and what our Privacy Policy means to you.

The information we collect depends on how you are interacting with us. Depending on the circumstances Albexpeditions may collect, use, store or transfer your personal information, either directly or through our agency or booking partners, for the purposes of offering or booking travel services on your behalf.

Personal detail such as name: address, date of birth, e-mail addresses, telephone number, details of identification documents, gender, and marital status.

Payment details: when making a booking with us we may request your payment-related information, bank details, and payment card details.

Details of your booking: including other information such as travel references, insurance details, nationality, residency, travel and accommodation preferences, meals and other dietary requirements, trip destination information, details of any special assistance required.

Information about: comments you provide us, trip evaluations, when you make inquiries, complaints, and feedback to us.

We may collect as well: travel medical information (where required), nutrition preferences, and any medical conditions you have. This information will ensure if adjustments need to be made and if the trip is suitable for you.

The personal information we collect from you enables us to provide you with trip information, accommodations, process payments, and provide any other similar travel services.

Where we need to collect personal data by law or under the terms of a contract we have with you and you fail to provide that data when requested, we might not be able to provide you with your booking.

For marketing purposes, we do not pass your information to other parties unless you agree to do so.

We might use your personal information also for the purposes of:

  • Ensuring the safety and security of you and our products
  • Make it possible for us to better understand your needs as a customer
  • Complying with laws and regulations, and immigration requirements
  • Request and collection of sensitive personal information we collect about you will be limited to a minimum possible.

Cookies and information over the internet 

Albexpeditions would like to keep you up to date and we may send to you marketing e-mails with the latest offers, promotions, partnerships, new tours, etc., information that we think you might find valuable.

However if you are not interested in e-mails, you can opt-out of marketing at any time by unsubscribing in all of our e-mails or by contacting us.

We do not use or store your personal information for no longer than the purposes stated above.

When it comes to your use of personal information over the Internet, even the best information security programs are not 100% guaranteed and as a result, we cannot ensure and guaranty you the full security of your personal information.

Albexpeditions website uses “cookies”. You can modify your settings when you receive a cookie to accept or to reject cookies, as most web browsers will allow you to do so. You might not take advantage of all its features if you do not accept cookies from our website.

Albexpeditions can make changes to the Policy and it will be posted on our website.

Please refer to our website for any last update to Privacy Policy.

The Privacy Policy version was last updated on 20th January 2022.

Personal data rights

You have control of your personal information and below there are explained the rights of your personal information.

The right to:

  • Be advised of how your personal information will be used by us.
  • Correcting any information about you that might be incorrect
  • Stop using or to erase or to cease processing information about you from us for specific circumstances
  • Receive a copy of your personal information data that we have about you
  • Anytime withdraw permission you provided us to use your personal information
  • Ask us to stop using your personal information about you for marketing purposes